Lead.Love.Live | Responding Well

For over a year, we have held a deep and significant belief that, in fact, the future is family. Now more than ever, as we are asked to distance ourselves from one another and stay inside our homes, this conviction is becoming resonant and taking deep root. We have the choice in this moment to see things through eyes of chaos, or eyes of possibility, and we believe that there is always an opportunity for God to do something significant - even during a storm. There are three clear ways we can contribute to this moment in humanity: 

We’ve been getting conflicting information from those in leadership - at all levels. Instead of judging how someone else is handling their moment, let’s take authority of how we handle ours. We are the leaders of our families; God has chosen us to navigate the path for our people. Which means it is our responsibility to provide guidance in all areas - spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional. We can, and should be, creating and maintaining an atmosphere of peace in our homes, demonstrating faith, hope, and love as we contextualize our altered moment to our households.  

There are two polarized reactions that have made headlines as we remain at home under the counsel of our local and global leaders: fear, and rebellion. The agreement with a spirit of fear causes panic, hoarding, and greed. Rebellion against the spirit of fear has caused reckless decisions that don't consider the advice of our leaders. Might we suggest that there is another approach we can take during this unsettled and uncertain moment? An in-between place in which we don't agree with fear but don't swing the pendulum so far the other way that we end up participating in the perpetuating of the fear itself? That place is called 'caution' and it's actually governed by wisdom. Wisdom is a gift of the Spirit (1 Corin 12:8) and transcends our thoughts and emotions when we are submitted to Jesus. Let us all be led by wisdom to walk in caution, respecting the rules our leaders put in place, but void of fear and saturated by peace that surpasses understanding. In this way, let us invite Holy Spirit to give us innovative and considerate ways to reach out to our neighbors and offer practical and supportive help as it’s needed. Leave notes on doorsteps with your contact information should any of your elderly neighbors need help picking up a prescription. Or start a Google spreadsheet for your block, inviting people to share supplies they have to share, and needs they are facing, so that everyone can participate in helping one another. This is a great opportunity to use a challenging moment to bring neighbors and neighborhoods together, actively walking out the love of Christ to those in need.

Living from conviction means we have an anchor to eternity when the storms of the world thrash around us. If we are anchored to a conviction that God created us to be in family, then we respond from this place to a world reacting from fear and confusion. We respond as family responds. Conviction sets boundaries that help guide our behaviors when the world-as-we-know-it changes. We will always serve. We will always be generous. We will always think of others. We will always show compassion. We will always pray. We will always seek peace. Remember in this finite moment that we can continue to live towards eternity. We have a wonderful window of opportunity to bring our families into conversations about our convictions as we navigate this moment with God; teaching, equipping, and preparing our young family members for their own future.

We are praying for protection and prophesying strength over you; grateful to be pioneering a new kingdom expression of family with you for the renewal of our communities and cities.

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